
New Interior Design Trends

Fashion trends emerge quickly on the runway each year, with unsuccessful ones being swiftly replaced by new styles. For trends to achieve lasting popularity, they need to be embraced by the mainstream.

According to MidWest Trends, after this occurs, we see them influencing interiors on varying scales. Some of these trends last a few seasons and are easily included in accessories for the home, while others make their way into the larger commodities, such as furniture. Below are five timeless trends we are seeing in interiors—all of which have substantial staying power so clients can ensure their designs stay current for years to come.

In the world of fashion, thrifting and shopping vintage are at the forefront of trends. But in the world of interior design, baby boomers are inheriting their parents’ furniture, 30-somethings are reaching back to their nostalgic childhoods, and many people are finding an appreciation for well-made, locally produced home goods. No matter the reason, incorporating vintage and antiques in a modern way is here to stay.

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